Our Story
Hi, thanks for stopping by!
I'm Callum, Director and owner of The Roaming Cinema Co. I set up TRC in 2020 with the express aim of providing rural communities with high quality entertainment and magical experiences.
So how did TRC come about?
Well, I've been an actor and comedy writer for ten years, and in that time I've spent a number of months on tour with a scheme called Rural Touring.
What's Rural Touring you ask? It's simple really. All over the UK there are schemes that arrange for professional performance companies to visit small communities that wouldn't normally have access to live theatre. And you know what? It was brilliant! I have performed in village halls, school halls, school classrooms, pubs, pub gardens, churches and even on one occasion on a disused train carriage! However, it was never the location that made the event special. It was always, without fail, the people.
The fun, the sense of community, the appreciation, the atmosphere - it was like nothing I'd experienced in a traditional theatre.
This got me thinking. Could I not do the same sort of thing for films? In Kent alone there are over 700 square miles of villages and small towns without easy access to a cinema, many of which have beautiful village halls and green spaces just waiting to be taken over and transformed into a magical cinema experience.
Thus, TRC was born.
The Roaming Cinema. Let us bring the magic to your door.
Do you know a community space that's just begging for a bit of TRC magic? or maybe you just fancy a special film night round yours? If so, let us know by clicking below.